Westfarms Mall needed to expand their parking while allowing natural stormwater to infiltrate on site. By using Grasspave2, they saved approximately one million dollars on a detention system. Regulatory bodies, including the City of Farmington, and the downstream City of West Hartford, whose wetlands commission was involved, approved of the water filtration and green space ratios.
This site was the first to use rollers on the bottom of the snow plow blades to keep it about 1/2” above the surface of the grass. Over the holidays when shopping is heavy, the mall maintenance crew puts up ropes between the trees and end islands to delineate the parking rows. In some years, they have had to plow the area when snow depths reached as much as 25 inches, in order to keep the lot open for holiday shopping, and other years, the weather has been quite mild.
Farmington, CT
Install Size
189,806 sq ft (17,640 m2) and extension 7801 sq ft (725 m2)
F. A. Hesketh & Associates, Inc.
Tilcon CT, Inc.